Master Jenkey released an Open Beta of his PES Img Explorer. This Open Beta Version includes : Image import / export, resize, convert.Image explore, import, export (file or folder), expand slot. Support PC & Console format. Str editor. Audio play, import / export : support ADX,AIX,WAV,MP3,AVI,FLV,MP4,MKV. Remember this is just a beta version. Test it and give your feedback to master Jenkey.
The tool will be similar with GGS, PES UDE, Afs Explorer
Can use with both oldgen & nextgen file : PES6 & PES2011,2012
Supported platforms:
PC & Console (current only Xbox360)
Most of part in sourcecode is C++ compiled with VS2010 (not use .Net)
The tool use addition libraries Zlib : FFmpeg : Libpng :
Features :
Img import,export file(s), folder
Img slot expander : add more slot for .img file (also support old format : .afs, .dkz) (100% done)
Convert texture (support DDS DXT) with highest quality.
Support import image unlimited size
Texture preview, export, import : support up to 10 formats (.png, .dds, .tif, .tga, .bmp, ...)
Audio preview, export, import : up to 32 formats convertable
(Video format convert to adx,aix)
Font editor : 50% done - having some problem with PES6 font
Zlib & unzlib : PC & Console (100%)
Hex editor : 40% done
3D preview, export : export any PES 3dmodel to 3ds format (50% done - need more time with PES6 model)
plan in furture : Animation import & export in research (0% done)
Team members (currently) : - Jenkey1002 - Eto - Omar Ahmed - Phranck - Liberostelios