One unforgettable character proves humanity is worth saving in the bleak and brutal The Last of Us. Click on Read More to check out The Good, The Bad and the critic scores.
The Last of Us Review
Ellie is immidiately likable and exhibits poignant growth
Tense combat encounters with plenty of flexibility
Crafting system demands enviromental investigation
Slow-paced, rewarding competitive multiplayer
Excellent sound design and moving score.
Supporting characters are rarely sympathetic
Combat contains too many immersion-breaking exploits.
Despite the many small problems in combat, there's an undeniable tension. Vanquishing a horde of attackers is challenging, so you must fight intelligently.
Its unrivaled presentation in particular sets the bar even higher than the Uncharted trilogy already did, and its writing, voice acting and layered gameplay combine to create what is very easily the game to beat for Game of the Year 2013.