NBA 2K14

Tutorial: Editing the Crowd

KevinParker13 | June 16 2015 | 6117 hits

In this tutorial, I’ll show you guys how to edit the teamxxx.iff files.

(Note: You can't open the team files using the new version of 3dm so you need to have the older version of it. It's attached below.)

Open the team file that you want to edit using the 3dm modtool.
(I used basagre28's OKC crowd, which is team_024.iff)

This is the crowd texture.
It consists of:
The different faces of the crowd
Foam Signs

Export it anywhere, then open it in gimp.

After that, you'll only see this.

Then, select all using CTRL+A and press delete.

After that, right click the layer

Click “Add Layer Mask”,  select “Transfer Layer’s Alpha Channel”, click “Add”. Then, you’ll see a new layer just right of the original layer. Right click the layer again and check “Disable Layer Mask”, then deselect the “Edit Layer Mask”.

After you did that, you should have something like this:

That is the texture that we are going to edit.
So now, we’re going to edit the t-shirts.(Tip: If you’re just going to make 2 colors, you might just want to use the rectangle tool   and just select the t-shirts that you want to edit like what I did there.

When you’ve picked the color that you want for the shirts, use the paint bucket tool and press SHIFT then click at the selected region. It should look like this.

After that, since you don’t want them all to wear yellow, you need to use another color (preferably the away color) So since I'm going to edit the other set of the crowds' t-shirt, I'm going to use the RECTANGLE  tool again to select the t-shirt/s that I want to change the color of.

After that, pick the right color to use for filling the selected region.
Use the paint bucket tool and press SHIFT again then click on it.
Voila, you’ve done it.

As you can see, I left the two t-shirts there. I made a mistake and just realized it.
But I colored it with the same method and boom. You got this terribly colored crowd t-shirts.

Export it as BC3 DXT5. Generate Mip-maps and just import it using the 3dm modtool. Click save, test it in-game.
I'll post some previews of the crowd using this technique later  :D
Note: I know that all of you are capable of making the crowd better than me. It might look bad when I'm the one editing it, but try it yourself :D (Y)

This is it for now. I’m going to make another tutorial in making the custom signs later.

Link for the 3DM Modtool that you need to use.

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NBA 2K13 was a monstrous release for the world's #1 NBA video game franchise, with more than 38 Sports Game of the Year and "Best Of" mentions. NBA 2K14 raises the bar yet again, providing the best basketball gaming experience for legions of sports fans and gamers around the world.
Download Tutorial: Editing the Crowd. This is a mod for NBA 2K14 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.