NBA 2K14 | Graphic Mods

Project Reality with atmospheric enb Previews

alert95 | February 12 2015 | 5929 hits

this is just a preview of the closest thing to reality...

images are arranged from 1st to 4th quarter...

what's different?

*it has realistic eye color...

+it has realistic arms body type with new real-timemuscle movements...

*it has sweat reflections and lighting from start til the end of gameplay base from reality...

*it has next gen skintones...

*it has nike, adidas and 2kSports accesories...

and more....

what dow you think guys? comments and suggestions to improve this :))

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NBA 2K13 was a monstrous release for the world's #1 NBA video game franchise, with more than 38 Sports Game of the Year and "Best Of" mentions. NBA 2K14 raises the bar yet again, providing the best basketball gaming experience for legions of sports fans and gamers around the world.
Download Project Reality with atmospheric enb Previews. This is a mod for NBA 2K14 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.