***May not work in Win 10***
This will add some atmosphere type effects using GEMFX by Lucifer Hawk (props, it's a cool tool). Check it out here if you want to try GEMFX on other games: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?672484-Generic-GEMFX-Version-1-0-7
Download thread:
http://forums.nba-live.com/downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=7592Discussion thread:
Discussion thread:
1) download (will take you to nlsc, then to a txt doc with mega link--file size too large for nlsc)
2) unpack rar contents to nba2k15 directory
3) fire it up
Note: If you are currently using sweetfx, remove all sweetfx related files before installing (save first, obviously, in case you want to revert back)
Note2: You can't run any background programs with GEMFX (e.g. afterburner, precision, rivatuner, fraps, etc). However you can run steam's ingame overlay and take screenshots that way.
Key Bindings:
f10: on/off
pause/break: reload shaders
For those familiar with my nba 2k15 sweetfx settings the overall lighting is based on v4 "lighting overhaul" as GEMFX includes most (but not all) sweetfx shaders, in addition to others (ambient light, god rays, lens flare, etc etc.) "Stratus" might not be for everyday, but might be fun to throw in for big games, playoffs, or just to change things up a little. You can tweak the settings yourself using gemfx_configurator.exe, which you will copy over to the nba2k15 directory with the other files in the RAR. If anything I kept the effect pretty high so you may want to tone it down a bit (or increase, whatever..)
I'm still getting the hang of GEMFX so might be some future edits as I mess around with it.
Screenshots, default and with "stratus":
2015-01-04_00007 by goldenstate77, on Flickr
2015-01-04_00006 by goldenstate77, on Flickr
2015-01-19_00047 by goldenstate77, on Flickr
2015-01-19_00046 by goldenstate77, on Flickr
2015-01-19_00069 by goldenstate77, on Flickr
2015-01-19_00070 by goldenstate77, on Flickr
2015-01-19_00127 by goldenstate77, on Flickr
2015-01-19_00126 by goldenstate77, on Flickr