Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 | Editing Tools

PES2014 File Loader beta - Faceloader available

jenkey1002 | October 18 2013 | 5145 hits

Change log version :

  • Added new plugin :
    • Faceloader : manage face with GDB system, support extra playerID (in beta test state)
    • Faceloader can work with folder has face only or hair only.
    • There's a example in FileloaderGDBface , it'll assign Buffon face for Ronandinho, it's for test only, please delete before using.
  • Added new option in kitloader
    • back.number.spacing
    • front.number.size
  • Added new option for performance fix : RAM buffer adjustment to get better performance. For changing, you can edit "speeder.ini" in Fileloader.
  • Update performance fix patch    
  • Fixed minor bugs 
  • Controller Vibration mod supports only Xbox360 Controller. If want to use vibration mod please use x360ce emulation before using

    Download : beta 2 (use at own risk)

      Credit : hany3, Hawke


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        Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 GAME DESCRIPTION
      PES 2014 centers everything on the ball including how it moves and how players use it. Trueball Tech allows the player to trap or knock on a pass using the analogue stick with detailed bar-centric physics determining the weight shift of the player and the height and speed of the pass, as to how the player's body will automatically shape to receive it. Trueball Tech adds more freedom, with full 360-degree control within several yards around the player and the ability to shield the ball from opposing players, use deft controls to wrong-foot them, and intuitive methods to master close control.
      Download PES2014 File Loader beta - Faceloader available. This is a mod for Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 video game.

      IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.
        Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 MODS GALLERY