NBA 2K13 | Editing Tools

NBA 2K13 Audio Editor

leftos | June 24 2013 | 22351 hits

NBA 2K Audio Editor
by Lefteris "Leftos" Aslanoglou and nesa24

Quick Notes
With the amazing research and perseverance shown by nesa24 from the NLSC forums in figuring out NBA 2K's audio format, I was able to build this tool to allow us to edit the audio files of NBA 2K.

- Allows users to edit all NBA 2K BIN Audio files as long as they're in the 2K11/2K12/2K13 format
- Automatically encodes MP3 and WAV files to the right format
- Only allows the user to replace songs that are longer than the user-selected song; any remaining duration is automatically filled with silence

Q: After my imported song/audio file ends, the game doesn't switch to the next one. How do I fix this?
A: Make sure that the file you're importing is only shorter than the original file by a few seconds, 2 at most. If it's not, use Audacity's Generate > Silence... to extend the song until its duration is 1 or 2 seconds less than the file you're trying to replace.

As with any editing tool, you should always keep backups of any files you edit. There might be bugs I am not aware of, and new features might bring new bugs of their own. So always, always keep backups. I will not be held responsible for any corruption caused to your files.

Binary 7z: NBA 2K Audio Editor
Source Code:

You'll need the .NET Framework 4 to run this tool. You can get it here: ... x?id=17851

Development Credits
- Uses the LumenWorks Framework 
( ... CSV-Reader)
- Uses the Sox sound processing application under the GPL v2 license

- nesa24, for his research and his dedication to getting the information required for this project to become a reality
- All of the NLSC community, especially users that helped ness24 with the research, and everyone that keeps supporting the modders and tool developers

Copyright 2013 Eleftherios Aslanoglou & nesa24

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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NBA 2K13 was released ofor the Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Wii. Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder, Blake Griffin of the Los Angeles Clippers and Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls are the cover athletes. NBA 2K13 is the successor to NBA 2K12 in the NBA 2K series.
Download NBA 2K13 Audio Editor. This is a mod for NBA 2K13 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.