NBA 2K13 | Gameplay Mods

★60FPS Better Performance For ATI Crossfire CARDS★

DREAMSTA | March 21 2013 | 13663 hits

Get better performance up to 60fps in crossfire this will work with almost any game.  

First off if u have amd processor thats multi core, dual or quad etc.

Download amd dual core optimizer for smoother gameplay.

make sure you update ur ati graphics drivers along with the amd profiles this is important.

if you have a creative x fi platinum sound card or extreme music sound card

download pax drivers google it. doin so will also boost ur performance

by about 40 to 60 percent in most cases.

no lets get back to crossfire: first thing go into catalyst control panel

and go to gaming 3d application settings

put texture filter to high quality turn of surface format optimization,

leave antialiasing method at multisampling because this is an hell of a performance hit.

turn opengl triplebuffering off i know it's helps sometimes

but i notice games are more stable and smoother without it lately.

leave tesselation on use application settings.

now the important part, click add on the upper left now search for the

Nba2k13.exe where ever you installed it on your computer and add it.

if anything pops up click yes it's ok to. now u should see nba2k13 in the list 

you have to click on it in order to change settings. it will be highlighted when selected 

now scroll down to where it says Crossfire Mode it will be in default mode change that and

click on use amd pre-defined profile you can type in the search

or click application profile to put list in alphabetical order to find what your looking for.

now look for nba2k12 click it and click save and then click yes.

right now i find it better using fifa13 profile but i get 60 while playing and 45-55 on time outs this is normal.

your game should run alot better now.

update: in your config file change and put -20 if it doesn't help performance change it back make a backup just in case


and be sure to checkout my performance improvement tweak and highest graphics to get it to look more real and fantastic. it will also work on nba2k13

link is below later and good luck guys.

highest graphics tweak

NBA 2K12 Get The Most Out of Your CPU Cores - 60 % Boost this helped alot of people

  Xtreme HDX2 Shadow Mod known

as La Creme

NBA 2K13 was released ofor the Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Wii. Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder, Blake Griffin of the Los Angeles Clippers and Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls are the cover athletes. NBA 2K13 is the successor to NBA 2K12 in the NBA 2K series.
Download ★60FPS Better Performance For ATI Crossfire CARDS★. This is a mod for NBA 2K13 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.