Football Manager 2013 | Editing Tools

FM Editor Live 2013 V 1.3

Stelios | February 13 2013 | 65653 hits

FM Editor Live is a simple real time editor for Football Manager 2013.
It's the evolution of FM Real-Time Financial Editor and has been produced due to popular demand for a more advanced free editor.

Like its predecessor, FMEL has a very straightforward interface and works very fast.

Exclusively available from

This tool is released for FREE, as we feel you shouldn't be forced to pay for 3rd party tools of a game.

Released: 13 February 2013 - v1.3

Redistribution Policy:
People who want to put FM Editor Live 2013 on other sites, you may link back to this very page but you cannot host any files yourselves. Thank you!


FMEL allows you to search for the club and person of your choice and edit:


  • Reputation
  • Chairman Status
  • Training Facilities
  • Youth Facilities
  • Transfer Budget
  • Wage Budget
  • Overall Balance
  • Kit Colors
  • Heal Team (Injuries)*


  • Birthday
  • Nationality

* Heal Team not only heals injuries but also changes the player's condition to 100% and clears his jadedness.

FMEL is a simple editor that allows you to quickly adjust information of clubs and persons. It should be safe to use it, but at any case make sure to keep a backup of your savegame before using.

â–º .NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 (standalone offline installer) or higher
To find out if you have .NET Framework 3.5 installed, you can use Framework Detector (free tool).

â–º Patch 13.2.3 (latest FM13 update)
To use this version of FMEL, you must have your game updated with the 13.2.3 Patch.

Please note it won't work with the Russian or Korean versions of the game.

This is FMEL for Windows.
If you're looking for a similar tool for Mac, please check out MacAssistant RT (another exclusive tool we release).

How to use

1. Extract the downloaded in a folder of your choice.

2. Run Football Manager 2013, and load your save game (or start a new one).

3. Run FMEditorLive.exe (ALT+TAB to desktop first if you're running FM full screen).

4. Click the "Load Game" button.

5. Enter club's name in the Search input box and hit Enter.

6. Double-click on the club's row. Edit what you wish in the 4 tabs available (Information, Finances, Kits, Teams) and click Save.

Double-click on the person's row. Edit birthday and/or nationality and click Save.



This tool is an and association.
BIG thanks to Stelios for being awesome enough to make this possible!
Logo by Stam.


- Support for 13.2.3
- Renamed to FMEL
- Added Training/Youth Facilities on Clubs screen
- Added Team tab on Clubs screen with "Heal Team" functionality
- Added support for Persons screen through search
- Added Persons screen with Birthday and Nationality editing support
- Fixed wrong finances (Transfer Budget, Payroll Budget) for non-active teams
- Added Nation loading support
- Added Current GameID and Date loading support

- Major part of source code rewritten
- Redesigned Club form
- Added Club Reputation
- Added Club Chairman Status
- Added Club Kits editing
- Added support for Currencies (UKP, Euro, USD) and Salary View (Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)
- Added Preferences

- Support for 13.2.2

- Initial release, support for 13.1.3
- Added Balance/Transfer Budget/Wage Budget read/write support.

Mirrors Available

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If you are not able to download it please CONTACT US and report it.

  Football Manager 2013 GAME DESCRIPTION

Download FM Editor Live 2013 V 1.3. This is a mod for Football Manager 2013 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.
  Football Manager 2013 MODS GALLERY