FIFA 13 | Multimedia

Greatly improves the performance of your FIFA 13

iomilon | November 19 2012 | 67327 hits


3 Tips:
1.-Using Direct3D Overrider
2.-Using Win Top priority
3.-Proper configuration
After a few years of being searched and tried all kinds of programs that claim to improve or increase the performance of games and even heavy programs, I found two programs that I really have been very effective as it is worth noting that in the way I came across a number of methods and programs that supposedly would optimize the flow of the game but in the vast majority did not, found many tricks fake releases RAM, threatening the status of the card, and unlike others who made ​​me play worse of what once was. However, these two applications, which were far more positive results I got: Direct3D Win Top Overrider and perhaps the first priority and many of you probably know their potential but the second one really surprised me. I have a 1.7 GB of RAM and to play FIFA 13 is minimum 2 gb and went recontra bad, the timing of the response speed of the control to the game did not cover my expectations since the movements were delayed, did not reflect what I wanted to do in the game and my outrageous complicated and worse because I like to play good manual and these two programs have helped me enough to take the hassle Fifa.
Well now we are interested in the subject, for in the description of the video I will be leaving for the individual links to download, and then you will see a brief explanation of how to use them.



3  Tips:
1.-Uso del Direct3D Overrider
2.-Uso del Top Win prio
3.-Una adecuada configuración 
Después de unos años de haber buscado y probado toda clase de programas que dicen mejorar o incrementar el rendimiento de los juegos e incluso de programas pesados, encontré 2 programas que realmente me han sido muy efectivos pues cabe resaltar que en el camino me topé con una serie de métodos y programas que supuestamente optimizarían la fluidez del juego pero en la gran mayoría no fue así, encontré muchos trucos falsos, liberaciones de RAM, que ponen en riesgo el estado de la tarjeta, y otros que al contrario me ponían el juego peor de lo que antes estaba. Sin embargo  estas dos aplicaciones, por el momento fueron las que más resultados positivos me dieron: Direct3D Overrider y Top Win prio quizá el primero seguramente ya muchos de ustedes conocerán su potencial pero el segundo la verdad que me sorprendió. Yo tengo 1.7 gb de RAM y para jugar el FIFA 13 es mínimo 2 gb y me iba recontra mal, la sincronización de la velocidad de respuesta del control hacia el juego no cubría mis expectativas ya que los movimientos eran retardados, no reflejaban lo que yo quería hacer en el juego y se me complicaba una barbaridad y peor aún porque me gusta jugar en manual y bueno  estos dos programas me han ayudado lo necesario para correr el Fifa sin complicaciones.
Bueno ahora vamos al tema les interesa ; pues en la descripción del video estare dejando links individuales para que los puedan descargar  y a continuación verán una pequeña explicación de como usarlos.

FIFA 13 captures all the drama and unpredictability of real-world soccer, and is driven by five game-changing innovations which revolutionize artificial intelligence, dribbling, ball control and physical play. It is the largest and deepest feature set in the history of the franchise. These innovations create a true battle for possession across the entire pitch, deliver freedom and creativity in attack, and capture all the drama and unpredictability of the real-world game.
Download Greatly improves the performance of your FIFA 13. This is a mod for FIFA 13 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.