NBA 2K13 | Gameplay Mods

NBA 2K13 REAL Realistic Game Sliders ver. 1

iZai | October 28 2012 | 71077 hits

NBA 2K13 Realistic* Game Sliders

I define the game's realism based on these aspects: Satistics (Scores, Rebounds, Fouls, FG%, 3pt FG%) at a 12-minute length gametime at realistic game pace using players' realistic shooting %. NBA 2k13's realism does not rely on its game difficulty either. Making Hall of Fame doesn't make the game realistic. It's all on the sliders. Even at Pro level difficulty one can make the game and AI behave like HOF by tweaking the sliders.

For me, for the game to be as close to realism as possible, the USUAL/ AVERAGE (not all the time) TEAM SCORES after the full length of the game at 12 mins should be not more than 110 (maximum, unless it's an OT). Considering these numbers and the usual scoreboards, these are too high already, but what the hell. I would like to see end game scores at 90 against 87 or something close, but I find it hard in NBA 2k13 because it's too easy to score.

Same goes for TEAM REBOUNDS PER GAME, 55 RPG is already a high number considering that the highest overall rebounding team in the NBA last season tops at 46-47 RPGs. So for a game to be as close to realistic, I set my standard close to 55 or preferred lower.

FOULS is an important game statistics. If there are 0 to lesser fouls than usual, the game would end in either a too high scoring or too much rebounding game. At least per quarter and at an average, FOULS should occur at least 4 and at a max of 7. More than and less, the game's statistics would be greatly affected.

FIELD GOAL % and 3PT FG % is also very important. The default game sliders and setting of the game makes scoring too easy. If you're using Koe, lebron or MJ it's too easy to score 80 - 100 points almost every time, I means that's way too much. So at the end of the game team's FGM% should be at the very least 35% (If your team really's that bad) and at the max of 60% (your team would be very good if you're in this number).  A real game's average FGM% falls 45%-50%. For 3PT FGM% it should be at the usual max of 50%.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you want realistic gameplay, you should play realistic as well. Meaning, no frequent cross-court lobbing passes, not fastbreaking all of the time, no defense adaptations. You should learn how to make plays and look for an open shot. Learn your players' skills and their strtengths and tendencies. You don't let Joakim Noah shoot 3-pointers for crying out loud.

So here, my sliders is not perfect. I tinker with it at times until I get what's close to realistic as possible. You'd find these slider difficult to score at times, just rememer to make plays and look for that sweet open shot, like real players do. Enjoy and please comment back for improvements.

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NBA 2K13 was released ofor the Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Wii. Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder, Blake Griffin of the Los Angeles Clippers and Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls are the cover athletes. NBA 2K13 is the successor to NBA 2K12 in the NBA 2K series.
Download NBA 2K13 REAL Realistic Game Sliders ver. 1. This is a mod for NBA 2K13 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.