NBA 2K13 | Editing Tools

★How to See Thumbnails Of Screenshots From Inside Mod Rar Files without opening★

DREAMSTA | October 20 2012 | 8090 hits
Hey Guys i just wannted to share this little program i found. Basically it will help you see whats inside .rar files or zip files that you download that has images inside them, like say you downloaded two different kevin durant cyberface and you don't know which is which, see now if you add a pic of a specific cyberface to a .zip or .rar file by draging and drop the picture inside the rar u can just look at the thumbnail to know get it. so all modders can add a close up pic of the face to the files  just something to make things a bit easier enjoy.

Note: Go to the program open it and check zip and rar in options and your good 

I also want to thank the great modders out there u guys ROCK MAN! never fail to amaze me Keep up the good work Tha King,MICHAELVLUTZ49Amarowaade, MythBuster,Leftos,Seanjohn1414,KOOL 'EM and all the others out there u know who you are Peace and Keep ballin'

and x6King6x 10/10 thanks for ur excellent ratings lol, he knows quality. if he puts 10/10 i always download it 

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NBA 2K13 was released ofor the Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Wii. Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder, Blake Griffin of the Los Angeles Clippers and Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls are the cover athletes. NBA 2K13 is the successor to NBA 2K12 in the NBA 2K series.
Download ★How to See Thumbnails Of Screenshots From Inside Mod Rar Files without opening★. This is a mod for NBA 2K13 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.