New court design for the Phoenix Suns
100% Mythbuster work.
There is a very small bug on the court, but it's not that visible on court.
Thanks for downloading and see you in 2k13
NOTE: The center line has to be BLACK for now, because the paint lines also change when I change the color.

NBA 2K12 is a basketball video game developed by Visual Concepts and published by 2K Sports. It was released on October 4, 2011 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, PC, Wii and for the first time on iOS iPhone and iPad. For the first time there will be three different covers to choose from when picking up the game, with Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Michael Jordan being the cover athletes of the game.
Download US Airways Center-Phoenix Suns 12-13. This is a mod for NBA 2K12 video game.
IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.