* If your game reloads any roster, the tool will reload data automatically too.
* Editing controls open in a separate window, so you can edit multiple objects simultaneously.
* In the same roster, you can clone players/staff/team/jerseys. Something special with some of the data. e.g. deep copy or skip some unique ids, etc.).
* For different rosters, all object module data supports copy and paste from the clipboard with one-click (single tab data copy or all data for object).
----* For example you can copy the data to a text editor to edit it, or copy and share it with others, and just paste it from your clipboard in the tool.
* You can copy/paste shoe data with the different rosters (one-click with clipboard).
* You can create and edit players/teams stats, and you can edit team rival values, and team records for points, rebounds, etc.
* And some other features are not shown in the screenshots.
* If you add or delete or change files in waigua folder, and if you want to synchronize the cache, open "Settings" - "Clear File Cache", and then just scroll the mouse wheel to re-render controls OR click refresh btn (at the top of the list). (Of course, you can also restart the tool, and it will automatically update the cache).
* Click the right mouse button for the menu on all lists (for trade/assign teams/swap/clone, etc.).
* Double-click on an item in the left list to open the editing window.
* In the editing window, right-click or click on the button in the lower right corner to display menu for object/module copy, maximizing the edit area, etc., and for some tab, e.g. player attributes, set all attributes +1 -1 or max.
* Enable/Disable editing of read-only controls in the settings.
* Control title (in editing window) with [ * ] are TIPS, mouse over the title to display tips, this is very important, It's a few tips about the data/control.