Made it compatible for the latest FIFA 18 annoying update[27/03/2018].
1) As always, I am using original copy and latest update [March 2018]. Hence, bootnames and bootsunlocker might not work for you on different updates but all the boots will be there.
For those who are on different updates, you just need unlocker for your specific updates. If you know how to assign manually using Aranaktu's cheat table, I have included boots id list.
2) This bootpack will work with any mod. If not working, follow this:
In FrostyModManager, remove all your applied mods> Apply bootpack> Then apply mods you want to use it with. It will work, trust me. Tried and tested.
As always, quick shoutouts to: GalaxyMan, Houss3m, Riesscar [Genius guy, show him some love at Discord. Discord ID: riesscar#8305]
Thanks for patience and love.
Till next time.