NBA 2K12 | Graphic Mods

Superglobal Codename Moose v2.7 w/ SJ Shadow Mod 6

leftos | April 25 2012 | 7214 hits

Superglobal Codename Moose v2.7
with SJ Shadow Mod 6

2.7 features color-corrected accessories by BallerSkillz and Lagoa, as well as the latest progressive sweat by Michaelvlutz49

Remember to grab the TNT Full Pack for the ultimate experience! (Links below, in the Downloads section of the description)


  • Shadow Mod 6 by SeanJohn1414
  • Enhanced Series v4 by TNeckDME
    • Updated Skin Texture
    • Updated Coach Suits
    • Updated Default Accessories & Gear
  • Progressive Sweat v5 for v1.0.1 patch by Michaelvlutz49 UPDATED in 2.7!
  • Accessories & Gear by Gory
    • McDavid Half Calf Sleeve
    • J.R. Smith style Half Calf Sleeve
      (in Jordan Calf Sleeve slot, can only be 1 color)
    • Socks
    • Double Mid Socks
    • Elbow Pad
    • Short Sleeve
    • Shoulder Sleeve
    • Improved Knee Pad (better white and black color)
    • Adidas Knee Sleeve (D. Nowitzki style)
    • McDavid Knee Hex Pad
    • Adidas Techfit Calf Sleeve
  • Accessories & Gear by MGX
    • Hex Pad Pressure Shorts
  • Accessories & Gear by Leftos
    • Adidas Ankle Brace
      (only works well with white as color, redone from scratch to have absolute black as a base, original design by Gory)
      (PSD - DDS)
  • Accessories & Gear by JoeJames
    • Improved NBA Logo on jerseys
  • Accessories & Gear by Dmayne
    • D. Rose Calf Sleeve
      (replaces retro striped sock, of which I've included the DDS in case you want to restore it)
  • Accessories & Gear by BBmyLove
    • Adidas Techfit Arm Sleeve
  • All Accessories & Gear are color-corrected for true color range, credits to BallerSkillz and Lagoa NEW in v2.7!
  • Optional add-ons
    • TNT Experience
      • TNT Mode by Sixers85
      • TNT Scoreboard by NBA2KWay
    • ESPN Experience
      • ESPN Mode by MGX
      • ESPN Scoreboard by NBA2KWay
    • NBA TV Experience
      • NBA TV Mode by MGX
      • NBA TV Scoreboard by NBA2KWay
    • Extras
      • NBA Live Icons by c0nr4d, courtesy of JaoSming
      • PS3 Button Icons by Darth-Skinnet

You may not re-release the superglobal (or an edit of it) or any of its addons (or an edit of them) without the original modders' and my permission.

Leftos' Accessories not in the Superglobal

You may edit and/or re-release my personally created accessories either individually, as part of your global, or as part of any other mod without asking permission, but giving proper credit. If an accessory of mine is actually an edit of another modder's work, you need to get permission from them first as well, unless I state otherwise.



Custom Editions (Full Packs Containing: Global + Network Mod + NBA Live Icons + Physics Mod)
credits to Sixers85, JaoSming, c0nr4d and Michaelvlutz49

Download links for older versions: viewtopic.php?p=1490970#p1490970

v2.6 Screenshot Gallery

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NBA 2K12 is a basketball video game developed by Visual Concepts and published by 2K Sports. It was released on October 4, 2011 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, PC, Wii and for the first time on iOS iPhone and iPad. For the first time there will be three different covers to choose from when picking up the game, with Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Michael Jordan being the cover athletes of the game.

Download Superglobal Codename Moose v2.7 w/ SJ Shadow Mod 6. This is a mod for NBA 2K12 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.