FIFA 16 | Mods and Patches

CLASSICS GERMANY 54/74/90/02/14

jefersonangelim | June 29 2017 | 2746 hits
E ai galera! Estou disponibilizando principais jogadores Lendários da história do futebol Alemão as 04 seleções campeãs do mundo mais a de 2002. Funciona perfeitamente no patch ModdingWay.
Desde já recomendo quem já tem experiência com o CM16
Importar pelo CM16 na opção Patch/Load.
Em seguida carregar o arquivo baixado e conferir se tem algum jogador com a cor vermelha, caso tenha, clique nele e marque a opção create em replace selection a direita superior da janela que ai fica da cor verde e vai importar sem problemas. quanto as chuteiras pode deixar vermelhor mesmo não tem problemas
Após fazer a importação salve, feche o CM16 depois reabra pesquise as seleções em Teams em seguida adicione em Resto do Mundo. Salve novamente e pode abrir o jogo. Esse Patch ainda está sendo produzido, ele conterá todas as copas do mundo desde 1930 com todas as seleções posteriormente também terá os melhores times de cada época da UEFA, devo boa parte dos créditos a:
What's up guys! I am providing leading legendary players in the history of German football with the 04 World Champion selections more than in 2002. It works perfectly in the ModdingWay patch.
I would recommend anyone who already has experience with the CM16
Import by CM16 in the Patch / Load option.
Then load the downloaded file and check if you have a player with the red color, if it has, click on it and check the option create in replace selection the upper right of the window that is there green and it will import without problems. How much the footballs can make it red even have no problems
After importing save, close the CM16 then reopen to search the Teams selections then add to Rest of the World. Save again and you can open the game. This patch is still being produced, it will contain all the world cups since 1930 with all the selections later also have the best teams of each season of UEFA, I owe a good part of the credits to:

FIFA 16 is an association football simulation video game developed by EA Canada and published by Electronic Arts. The game features Lionel Messi on its cover, alongside a different player in different parts of the world, and is the first game in the FIFA series to be fully licensed by the Premier League. EA Sports had signed a deal with the Premier League as the Official Sports Technology Partner. In this way EA are licensed under Premier League development. This deal allows all 20 Premier League stadiums to be included in the game.
Download CLASSICS GERMANY 54/74/90/02/14. This is a mod for FIFA 16 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.