FIFA 16 | Mods and Patches


jefersonangelim | May 01 2017 | 6728 hits
E ai galera! Estou disponibilizando principais jogadores Lendários da história do futebol para usar no modo carreira, principalmente muito jogador lendário Brasileiro o qual é o Pais que pertenço. Funciona perfeitamente no patch ModdingWay.
Importar pelo CM16 na opção Patch/Load.
Em seguida carregar o arquivo baixado e conferir se tem algum jogador com a cor vermelha, caso tenha, clique nele e marque a opção create em replace selection a direita superior da janela que ai fica da cor verde e vai importar sem problemas. quanto as chuteiras pode deixar vermelhor mesmo não tem problemas
Após fazer a importação os jogadores serão disponibilizados em Passes Livres.
Pode salvar jogar e ser feliz.
What's up guys! I am making available the main legendary players in the history of football to use in the career mode, mainly a legendary Brazilian player who is the Country I belong to. It works perfectly in the ModdingWay patch.
Import by CM16 in the Patch / Load option.
Then load the downloaded file and check if there is any player with the color red, if it has, click on it and check the option create in replace selection the upper right of the window that there is of green color and will import without problems. How much the boots can make it red, even if it has no problems
After importing the players will be available in Free Passes.
You can save play and be happy.
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FIFA 16 is an association football simulation video game developed by EA Canada and published by Electronic Arts. The game features Lionel Messi on its cover, alongside a different player in different parts of the world, and is the first game in the FIFA series to be fully licensed by the Premier League. EA Sports had signed a deal with the Premier League as the Official Sports Technology Partner. In this way EA are licensed under Premier League development. This deal allows all 20 Premier League stadiums to be included in the game.
Download LEGENDS PLAYER CAREER MODE. This is a mod for FIFA 16 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.