Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 | Editing Tools

Scoreboard Selector V 1.1 - New Version

MxSonic | January 16 2010 | 11850 hits



  • Selection of various scoreboards

how to use:

- select your Kitserver / img Folder 
- choose your Scoreboard
- sets the hook with 4:3 or 16:9, pays attention to the description over the selection
- press the button "change Scoreboard"
- have fun


1. Canal + Scoreboard by Txak
2. Champions League Mock
3. Champions League Scoreboard by ninuzzu
4. ESPN Scoreboard by Ma$k_Hi3p
5. Gol TV Scoreboard by speka 2.0
6. SkySport Graphics v2.0 by ninuzzu
7. Star Sports EPL Scoreboard by meoshevka
8. TVE v1 Scoreboard + Graphics by Txak
9. Champions League Scoreboard by Reza 007
10. FIFA Scoreboard by ninuzzu
11. FINAL VERSION Full HD Sky Sport Live Scoreboard by starmann65
12. Bundesliga Scoreboard 1.0 by TillmansToasty
13. CCTV 5 HD Scoreboard by foreverp & uu99
14. EPL Scoreboard v5 by JasonY
15. EPL SportTV Scoreboards by Alkaline
16. Gol TV Scoreboard by Txak
17. RPL Scoreboard by lukasz111
18. SKY Sport Scoreboard v2.0 by Flavioggl

version 1.1
- add: Selection of PS 3 or XBOX Controller
- add: many new Scoreboard
- add: Preview of Scoreboards
- add: fix Laguage problems

- FINAL VERSION Full HD Sky Sport Live Scoreboard by starmann65
- Bundesliga Scoreboard 1.0 by TillmansToasty
- CCTV 5 HD Scoreboard by foreverp & uu99
- EPL Scoreboard v5 by JasonY
- EPL SportTV Scoreboards by Alkaline
- Gol TV Scoreboard by Txak
- RPL Scoreboard by lukasz111
- SKY Sport Scoreboard v2.0 by Flavioggl

  Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 GAME DESCRIPTION
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 is an upcoming football video game in the Pro Evolution Soccer series. The game is being developed and published by Konami for release on Sony's PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable; Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Windows Nintendo's Wii; and mobile phones. The game has a release date of 23 October 2009 for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. The PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable versions are set to be released on 6 November 2009 while the Wii version will be released on 20 November 2009. The playable demo for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 versions was released on 17 September 2009. Lionel Messi will be a key endorsement player for PES 2010 by featuring throughout the promotion and development of the game. He is set to feature on the cover alongside Fernando Torres, another endorsement player.
Download Scoreboard Selector V 1.1 - New Version. This is a mod for Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.
  Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 MODS GALLERY