FIFA 17 | Mods and Patches

Career Mode History spreadsheet

cladclad | November 01 2016 | 43351 hits
Hi everyone,
I posted this on the FIFA reddit (here), but thought I'd post it here too, as this seems like the kind of community that goes in depth with all of their career modes, much like myself. 
The CM History spreadsheet is an excel file I created to keep track of all my club's stats, trophies, players, etc. It aggregates all your stats if you just take the time to fill it out after each game. You only need Microsoft Excel to use it. You can also upload it to Google Drive if you don't have Excel, but the formatting might be off a little bit.
Download the file (complete with instructions) from here or from Github below:
Here are some images of it:
Enjoy it - it's made my careers much more fun and engaging, and hope it does the same to you.
- Clad

FIFA 17 includes all 20 Premier League managers' likenesses in the game. The new features in FIFA 17 include new attacking techniques, physical player overhaul, active intelligence system and set piece rewrite.The game will feature a new single-player story campaign mode titled The Journey for PS4, Xbox One and Windows where players assume the role of Alex Hunter, a young footballer trying to make his mark in the Premier League
Download Career Mode History spreadsheet. This is a mod for FIFA 17 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.