Grand Theft Auto V | Scripts

Back To the Future Time Circuits Mod 0.5

Joshua Vanderzee | January 23 2016 | 7438 hits

This is a BTTF time circuits mod. For now it is in beta, but the time circuits are working. There is also a Remote control feature. 

Update: Many of the bugs are fixed, and new things were added. 

Also the beta tester should get some credit too 
taltigolt on youtube 

Latest versions of: 
Gta 5 (everyone has the game, so that requirement is obvious) 
The gta 5 script hook 
The GTA 5 script hook .net 
You will need .net 4.5 

Place the DLL in the Scripts folder 
read the read me.txt for more info on installation 


F5 shows menu 
T: RCmode. 
K: (beta) tutorial mode. (temporarily disabled) 
numpad + and +: activate time circuits. 
numpad - and -: refuel Mr.Fusion (works inside car or outside) 
Time circuits use 24 hour time input and displays with 12 output. 
To input time with numpad or num strip: 




This mod is also has Dual monitor support for an external time circuits display. (Improved as the display mover can do that in a ingame display external monitor) 

This is open source under the Apache 2.0 Licence on GitHub. 


Look up Madgaz if you want a Delorean model. His model is amazing. The model in the picture is not included. The script is the only file 

Beta 0.5 
Added Sparks effects 
Added Display Position mover 

Request to add Delorean models 

[6:35:43 PM] Gaz Patterson (Madgaz Gaming): do you mind if i bundle the cars with it, and release it on my mod page too 
[6:35:57 PM] AAYapps: sure 

Beta 0.2 
Flying circuits no longer fling the car in a random direction, but still need to work on the mechanics. 

Added cold air (not permanent effects, at least until I can get better effects for the cold air). 

Added engine ignition switch. 

Fixed bugs in traveling through time. 

Added time settings to input in date with time or time only (This was implemented because of my fail safe input system. The input system prevents invalid dates and times from being entered). 

Added the ability to remove Delorean (Thanks to feedback). :) 

Added the ability to turn off the Delorean's Invincibility (To make things more fun). 

Beta 0.1 
Bugs were present when traveling through time. 
Flying circuits were buggy.

Mirrors Available

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Download Back To the Future Time Circuits Mod 0.5. This is a mod for Grand Theft Auto V video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.
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