A Graphic Enhancement for NBA 2K16
(works with Win 7, Win 8, Win 8.1, and Win 10)
Please check back for updates, as I'm still testing and tweaking the mod. Like NBA 2K15, I'll probably release a few different versions, to provide options.
Here are my initial Reshade settings for NBA 2K16. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Reshade, you can read up on it here: http://reshade.me/. Props to crosire, Lucifer Hawk, CeeJay.dk, Marty McFly, Ioxa and Jpulowski, whose colloboration made Reshade possible. All credit goes to them. Creating settings for specific games is relatively simple, once you get the hang of it.
Specifically, the mod:
-removes yellowish tint
-adjusts lighting to create a more realistic halogen/stadium feel and accentuate reflections
-slightly sharpen the picture
-slightly brighten the picture
For those familar with ENB, this mod provides an "ENB-like" effect by adjusting the tuningpallete (creates a clearer, more realistic look).