Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 | Tools

Team Editor Manager version 2.2.1

lagun-2 | October 15 2015 | 60869 hits
supported platforms
version 2.2.0 General Features:
Edit the file .bin:
- CompetitionEntry.bin
- Player.bin
- PlayerAssignement.bin
- Team.bin
- Boots.bin
- Stadium.bin
- Ball.bin
- Country.bin
- Boots.bin
- Coach.bin
- Reading of all country in the files
- ID Preview
- Continent Preview
- Reading of all teams in the files
- Type of team
- Emblem/Flag preview
- ID team/nationl
- Team name
- Short name
- Home stadium
- Country
- License team
- Search team on PSD
- Remove fake teams names
- Add new team/s
- Add new national
- Other leagues
- Formation preview
- Captain, penalty kick taker, long foul taker, left corner kick taker, short foul taker, right corner kick taker
- Auto-create logos teams
- Logo Manager: automatically change names of the other two logos + you can rename files
- Export team list as .txt, .ini, .csv
- Export emblem/flag as .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .ico
- Import team list as .txt, .ini
- Reading of all teams in competitions in the files
- Add new teams/national
- Delete teams/national
- Reading of all coaches in the files
- Coach preview
- Coach ID
- Coach name
- License coach
- Coach nationality
- Export coach list as .txt, .ini, .csv
- Export image as .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .ico
- Player preview
- ID player
- Name
- Shirt name
- Nationality
- Player styles
- Age
- Height
- Weight
- Positions
- Stats
- Players skills
- COM playing styles
- Player's motions
- Adjust Abilities
- Add new player/s
- Export player list as .txt, .ini, .csv
- Export image as .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .ico
- Import player list as .txt, .ini
- Reading of all players assignement in the files
- team and national preview
- Reading of all boots in the files
- Boot preview
- Brand preview
- ID boot
- Boot name
- Material 
- Color 
- Export boots list as .txt, .ini, .csv
- Export boot as .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .ico
- Import boot as .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .ico
- Reading of all stadiums in the files
- Stadium preview
- ID stadium
- Stadium name
- Export stadium as .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .ico
- Import stadium as .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .ico
- Reading of all balls in the files
- Ball preview
- ID ball
- Ball name
- Export ball as .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .ico
- Import ball as .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .ico
Extra Features
- Auto extract file
- Auto search files
- Cpk Mode (Compatible with DLC and Patch)
- Add profiles unlimited
- Add Global Settings
- unzlib/zlib file - Pes 14/15/16
- Multiconverter (console support)
- Auto delete but BACKUP edit.bin (option file)
- Auto dds convert with NvidiaCompress
- Backup files
- Utility: stadiums id, teams id, players id
- Check for updates
- Special characters
- Uppercase letter and lowercase letter
- Filter List players/teams/stadiums/boots/balls by ascending order, DB file
- Support forum: english -, evo-web
Other Changes
- New design
- Improve the tool
- Fix bugs
- Improved search of the players, teams, stadiums, boots, balls
- fix add new team/s
- fix add new national
- fix add new player/s
- fix screen resolution
- fix save mod
- fix reading player
- fix save team tab
- fix open for new mod
- fix open new player
- fix xbox/ps3
- updated countries after DLC (thanks to  Fatih Kuyucak)
- fix reading of players
- fix add numbers teams
- fix change the nationality of players
- fix save team name
- fix save player name
- fix unzlib file
- fix zlib file
Mirrors Available

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  Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 GAME DESCRIPTION
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 (abbreviated to PES 2016 and known officially as World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2016 in Asia) is a football simulation game developed by PES Productions and published by Konami for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows. It is the fourteenth edition of the Pro Evolution Soccer series. The previous edition was PES 2015.
Download Team Editor Manager version 2.2.1. This is a mod for Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.
  Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 MODS GALLERY