NBA 2K12 | Arenas

Courts Pack 2

push | November 25 2011 | 6874 hits

Mediafire Password :  push2k
if password does not work click on author website to check new one

Enhanced Floor Reflection
Floor Color Fix
Re-textured Backboards and Rim was made darker orange
Stadium Shadow Mod ( No shadow mod file included)
Re-textured bench seats
Courts are not 100% correct but as close as I can get
Sponsor Ads not 100% based on real ones ( the real ones changes from time to time so no point in making them similar)

Teams included in this pack

  • San Antonio Spurs
  • Portland Trailblazers
  • Orlando Magic
  • Sacramento Kings
  • Atlanta Hawks


  • nba2kway for the tools
  • the one who made the Modtool (Don't know his name)
  • Jao for the tutorials
  • Google, YouTube, and nico86 for references
  • Se7six for the Daktronics Shot Clocks
Mirrors Available

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NBA 2K12 is a basketball video game developed by Visual Concepts and published by 2K Sports. It was released on October 4, 2011 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, PC, Wii and for the first time on iOS iPhone and iPad. For the first time there will be three different covers to choose from when picking up the game, with Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Michael Jordan being the cover athletes of the game.

Download Courts Pack 2. This is a mod for NBA 2K12 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.