NBA 2K14 | Graphic Mods

Sweet FX by Doktor Ivsa - V1

Doktor | October 04 2013 | 13063 hits

My Sweet FX - V1

EDIT: I made a V2 version of Sweet FX mod, check it out on this link:

This Sweet FX adds:

- More vibrant colors to gameplay
- Brighter colors in gameplay, not over brightned, in my opinion its just enough
- Sharpens the images, player faces and body's are more detaild because of it
- Added "Bloom" effect (im still working on this, its adds shine to player and all objects, in this version its a bit tonned down, i will try in another version to add a bit brighter effect to add more shine to all)
- Antialiasing applied to everything, it smothen all jagged edges (you can easily see this when you pause the game and look in legs of player and then turn off this Sweet FX with "Scroll Lock" button on keyboard and turn it on again, you will see how jagges on player legs will be smothend when you turn on this Sweet FX)

Just to keep you updated, im working on improved version of this Sweet FX, i will try to add more sharpen so that all ingame objects, faces, body, etc be more detaild, also i will try do balance "Bloom" effect even more, now its a bit toned down, it adds shine to all objects, a i want to add refflects of sweat shine just enough and such thing but not to bee bleadding white, i have anothers version where "Bloom" is stronger, but somethimes it creates "scorching white" effect and its just to bright to look in that spot.
Also im working on incorporating the HDR effect in my new version, but i have much work with this, i tried to play a bit with it but i only get all colors scorched and HDR effect added, but the colors are just bad, so i will work more with this, but first on list ist more sharpening and more balanced bloom effect.
( I give up on this, as in my opinion this effect completly changes the colors ingame but does not add almost any improvement to game's look)

Thanks for all, and please leave your comments about this Sweet FX and about the improvements you want to see.
If anyone wants more brighters color or some other effect, ask for it in comment's and i will upload it.

And in the end, sorry for my English, i hope you can understand what i wanted to say!? :)

Installation notes:
1. Download my mod (you will get a rar file with: one folder and 10 files in it)
2. Copy all from rar file and paste it in your "NBA 2K14 folder" (You can press "Control + a" to select all files in rar folder)
3. Start the game, the mod will be applied automatically, but you can turn it ON/OFF with "Scroll Lock" button on your keyboard, that way you can check is it working (for fullscreen image) (for fullscreen image) (for fullscreen image)


NBA 2K13 was a monstrous release for the world's #1 NBA video game franchise, with more than 38 Sports Game of the Year and "Best Of" mentions. NBA 2K14 raises the bar yet again, providing the best basketball gaming experience for legions of sports fans and gamers around the world.
Download Sweet FX. This is a mod for NBA 2K14 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.