NBA 2K13 | Title Screens

PLAYOFFS 2013 Title Screen V2

DavidBeckham23 | April 20 2013 | 10171 hits

*This will replace the default NBA 2K13 TitleScreen with PLAYOFFS 2013 Title Screen*

V2: added Deron Williams wearing Brooklyn Nets Jersey

Credits & BIG Thanks to vnardella5 for the D-Will Texture..

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NBA 2K13 was released ofor the Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Wii. Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder, Blake Griffin of the Los Angeles Clippers and Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls are the cover athletes. NBA 2K13 is the successor to NBA 2K12 in the NBA 2K series.
Download PLAYOFFS 2013 Title Screen V2. This is a mod for NBA 2K13 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.